Title : Bio regeneration and bio reparation in the treatment of the Genital Syndrome of Menopause
Objectives: Aesthetic and functional gynecology is a philosophy of work that must be carried out by gynecologist and whose focuses of attention are on the anatomical, functional, aesthetic and sexual recovery of the woman
Introduction: Disorders of the external genitalia (vulva) and internal genitalia (Vagina) are becoming increasingly important in the lives of the women and that seriously affects the quality of life. The symptoms and signs of the GSM have acquired great importance in the daily life of women and increase day by day without treatment. They don’t allow the women an active life and decrease the quality of life.
Materials / method: I have compiled scientific works and we have evaluated (together with members of the WSCG) more than 300 patients (341) with symptoms of SGM of various causes, both physiological, such as that produced by breast cancer treatments, use of aromatase inhibitors, pelvic radiotherapy, gynecological radical surgery, and where a protocol was used for the treatment where bio regeneration treatments were combined (adult stem cells of adipose tissue, PRP, Carboxytherapy, Lipograft) as bio reparation treatments (EBD, Endopeel, sutures).
Results: the results were highly satisfactory, with the improvement of the symptoms (dyspareunia, dryness, orgasmic alterations) and signs (dryness of the vaginal epithelium, improvement of the pH, improvement of the quality of the skin of the vulva, and decrease in the size of the labia minora among others) All this generated a better quality of life of the patients and the anatomical recovery, functional, aesthetic, and sexual genitalia of your genitalia vulva vaginal.
Conclusion: the conclusion is that we can help women who suffer from symptoms and signs of SGM for various reasons, recover, without the use of hormones, and we have even observed significant anatomical changes at the level of the labia minora that make us rethink some treatments.