Title: An educational-artistic exhibition on the skin and the main dermatoses
Title: Treatment of dry skin with an emulsion containing plant-based anionic phospholipids
Title: A demonstrative case series on prophylactic treatment of post excised keloids with topical imiquimod
Title: Treatment of dry skin with an emulsion containing plant-based anionic phospholipids
Title: Efficacy of non-proteinogenic amino acid on dermal and basement membrane components
Title: Meta-analyses about tranexamic acid in the treatment of melasma
Title: Effects of cosmetological treatment topical hydrogen purification on acne skin condition.
Title: Longitudinal Course of Depressive Symptoms in patients with Atopic Dermatitis
Title: Neuroimmune basis of itch of scalp, clinics and approach to treatment
Title: Skin cancer in Romania
Title: Dermal injection of hyaluronic acid in improving skin texture: from bench to bed
Title: Nanocarriers in cosmetics & skin care-a cosmetic chemist point of view
Title: Rodent models to study skin cancer: the case of K14HPV16 mice model
Title: Revolutionary natural biopolymers for wound healing therapy: borrowing from nature
Title: The best efficacy treatment for alopecia androgenetic: A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Title: Acne scar reconstruction
Title: Unusual presentation of invasive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma on posterior thigh
Title: Role of aberrantly spliced stem cell factor p63 in the development of epithelial cancer
Title: Melanoma biology from the perspective of skin signaling and UV pathogenesis
Title: 3-D analysis of fat graft survival in reconstructive breast surgery
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