HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
Makoto Senoo, Speaker at Dermatology Conferences
Cell Exosome Therapeutics Inc, Japan

Title: Will be Updated Soon....

Madhu Gupta, Speaker at Dermatology Conferences
Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, India

Title: Tackling stubborn wound by advanced polysaccharides-based biopolymer delivery system

Porsokhonova Delya Fozilovna, Speaker at Cosmetology Meetings
Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Uzbekistan

Title: Characteristics of clinical forms of papillomavirus infection of cervical and extragenital localization in patients with genital warts

Mavlyanova Sahnoza Zakirovna, Speaker at Dermatology Conferences
Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan

Title: Innovative method of phototherapy using essential silicon tonic in patients with atopic dermatitis

Hephzi Bah Konadu Agyeman, Speaker at Dermatology Conferences
Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Ghana

Title: Fungi infection on the skin

M Sai Bindu, Speaker at Dermatology Conference
MS Ramaiah medical college, India

Title: Gliptin-induced dermatoses: A case series
