Title : Tackling stubborn wound by advanced polysaccharides-based biopolymer delivery system
Polysaccharides elicit enormous and promising applications due to their extensive obtainability, innocuousness, and biodegradability. Various outstanding features of polysaccharides can be employed to fabricate biomimetic and multifunctional hydrogels as efficient wound dressings. These hydrogels mimic the natural extracellular matrix and also boost the proliferation of cells. Owing to distinctive architectures and abundance of functional groups, polysaccharide-derived hydrogels have exceptional physicochemical properties and unique therapeutic interventions. Hydrogels designed using polysaccharides can effectively safeguard wounds from bacterial attack. This review includes wound physiology and emphasises on numerous polysaccharide-based hydrogels for wound repair applications. Polysaccharide hydrogels for different wound types and diverse therapeutic agents loaded in hydrogels for wound repair with recent patents are portrayed in the current manuscript, debating the potential of fascinating hydrogels for effective wound healing. More research is required to engineer multifaceted advanced polysaccharide hydrogels with tuneable and adjustable properties to attain huge potential in wound healing.