HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
Bobko Svetlana, Speaker at Dermatology Conferences
Leading research fellow of Moscow scientific and practical center of dermatovenereology, Russian Federation
Title : Modern protocols for treatment of patients with itch


Together with pain itch is one of the most severe symptoms in humanity. It’s common in dermatological practice and characterized with high burden of disease. At the introduction itch terminology, epidemiological data, diagnostic criteria (scales) and clinical features to distinguish the extent of severity will be presented. Different factors of pathogenesis can explane the complexity and difficulties of approaches of treatment and possible torpidity to it. The key role of modern cytokines will be discussed during the lecture. High prevalence of itch at different nosologies will be under review. Analysis of clinical protocols and recommendations that include topic of itch will be done in detail. Modern conceptions of itch, causes of itch, different approaches to classifications will help to find the adequate treatment of itch individually. Recent atopic dermatitis European guidelines (EuroGuiDerma 2022) and IFSI-guideline on chronic prurigo (2020), as well European Guideline on chronic pruritus (2012) and Japanese Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous pruritus (2020) will be included in presentation. Own experience in Russian clinical recommendation and clinical cases will be provided. The great attention will be focused on traditional care of the skin using the emollients, to avoid xerosis that is often one of the most common predictors of itch. The approaches with external and systemic therapy will be discussed in detail to explain the right choice in each situation.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The audience can use the information to find the cause, to detect the category in itch classification, to find out the possible mechanisms, use the treatment, obtain the information about differential approaches and distinguish what kind of the treatment is better to use. Due to the knowledge about ethiology, pathogenesis, clinic, differential diagnosis of different forms of itch the audience will obtain the possibility correctly interpret the results of clinical and instrumental examinations, to use it for the choice of optimal pathogenic and symptomatic therapy in patients with different form of itch. 
  • Clinical cases will help to develop clinical mind and be more confident in treatment of itch
  • This is a research that other faculty could use to expand their research or teaching
  • It will provide a practical solution to a problem that could simplify and make a designer’s job more efficient
  • It will improve the accuracy of a design, or provide new information to assist in a design problem

The lecture is oriented for the wide audience (dermatovenereologists, cosmetologists, physicians, pediatrists, oncologists and so on.


Bobko Svetlana MD, PhD senior research fellow of Moscow scientific and practical center of dermatovenereology and cosmetology graduated with honours from Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov in 2008, after residency of dermatovenereology in Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov 2008-2010, had posgraduate study at dermatology department of Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, due to Russian Federation. President Scholarship for studying abroad worked in 2011-2012 in Dermatological Clinic of Muenster University Hospital. Defended thesis in 2013 (scientific mentor A.N. Lvov, A.B. Smulevitch) «Psychogenic itch: aspects of clinical systematics, complex therapy and prophylaxis», since 2014 till now is working in department of clinical dermatovenereology and cosmetology of Moscow scientific and practical center of dermatovenereology and cosmetology. In 2015 was a scientific secretaty of 16 ESDaP congress in Saint-Petersburg. In 2017 got Michael Hoenstein Memorial Scholarship by European academy of Dermatology and Venereology. In 2017 got travel grant of international Forum for the Study of itch (IFSI) to attend 9th World congress on itch. A member of Task groups of EADV of pruritus and psychodermatology. Reviewer of JEADV, Fronties, Clinical dermatology and venereology. Member of National alyans of dermatovenereologists and cosmetologists, Moscow society of dermatovenereologists and cosmetologists named after A.I. Pospelov, Member of EADV, Member of ESDaP, Member of ISD, Member of IFSI, Member of DDG, Member of EAAD. Coauthor of IFSI-guideline of prurigo. In 2016 paricipated in clinical Study of EADV — validation of itch questionnares for patients (organized by S.Staender), and in 2017 in European Prurigo Project by EADV. Secretary of Local ethics committee. Author of more than 30 publications. Speaker of local and foreign conferences and congresses.
