Title : Anti-aging skin care with emphasis on skin radiance in brightening uneven skin tone in a 12-week clinical design
Our daily skin care routine affects our skin’s complexion and its overall health. Very early, we are told to cleanse, moisturize, protect and prevent our skin not only from dirt and disease but also from aging and environment factors, which otherwise, can result, in wrinkling, rough texture, dullness and hyperpigmentation. There is abundance of cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreens, and antipollution products for various skin type needs-dry, oily, normal or combination. Hydrated, radiant skin, clear complexion are most sought-after skin attributes. Makeup products are chosen for anti-aging, camouflaging pigmentation and brightening skin. Our objective was to test a skin care product for its antiaging and brightening potential during a 12-week clinical trial. 30F (35-65y) who gave signed informed consent and met the inclusion.exclusion criteria wee enrolled. Subjects used TA twice daily (AM&PM). Facial skin health, brightness/radiance, smoothness, hyperpigmentation, and skin tone evenness evaluated by expert grader and bio-instrumentation for radiance (Glossymeter®), hydration-(Corneometer®) and pigmentation-(Colorimeter®) were included. Photography with VISIA-CR® and subject self-perception were collected. Our results showed statistically significant improvement of wrinkles, fine lines, overall skin health, skin texture and the effect to help brighten the look of uneven skin tone at various time points compared to baseline. Instruments showed skin hydration and radiance to increase, affecting uneven skin tone. VISIA photos and SPQs showed improvement. In conclusion, skin care formulations with ingredients with proven efficacy can help deliver a plethora of benefits and empower the consumer with better choices for their personal skin care needs.
Audience Take Away Notes :
This will help understand our skin needs as we age and how products are tested in a clinical trial. It will make people aware of latest techniques used in skin testing like expert grading ,various bioinstruments and consumer perception. Skin radiance and hyperpigmentation are hot fields in dermatology and new products with novel ingredients need to be tested for safety and efficacy and the scientific information collected. Information obtained from a well thought out clinical design is valuable during product development and also at the marketing stages for claim substantiation in differentiating one product from others, thus empowering the consumer to make a better choice.