Title : Successful treatment of combination of eosinophilic granuloma of the face and prurigo on trunk
Introduction & Objectives: Unusual combination of prurigo on trunk and arms and eosinophilic granuloma on the face was revealed in a patient 73 years old. Long history of differential diagnosis and search for the adequate treatment for many years was ended in results of the biopsy and long list of medications including topical and systemic glucocorticosteroids, antiviral treatment, as well as Dapsone that allow long remission.
Materials & Methods: Patient 73 years old applied with complains on rash on the skin of the face and trunk with itch. She was ill during 7 years when first noted rash on her back than later – face. According to the histological examination of the biopsy of the face, eosinophilic granuloma of the face was diagnosed. The treatment by systemic and topical glucocorticosteroids, tacrolimus, valtrex gave a temporary effect, the use of dapsone 100 mg during 6 months gave a long remission. Concomitant diseases: nodular goiter, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, torticollis. Occupational hazards: she worked as a painter, had allergic reactions to varnishes and paints
Results: During the treatment the patient noticed improvement on the skin of face and trunk – reduction of the lesions and itch
Conclusion: Long use of Dapsone under control of blood examination gave a good result to make the long existing eosinophilic granuloma more stable and avoid exacerbation.
Audience Take Away Notes:
The presentation will give the information about diagnistics and treatment if prurigo with resistant to traditional therapy form. The doctors will better differentiate the skin disease and find the adequate treatment. The case illustrates an unique experience of successful treatment of prurigo by dapson.