Title : The diagnosis and treatment of several tinea incognito cases
Short Description of what will be discussed during the presentation (about 250 - 500 words)?Losing the typical features of tinea corporis and tinea cruris, tinea incognito is often misdiagnosed as other diseases due to its atypical clinical manifestations. Having been misdiagnosed, improper treatments make the skin lesion more serious and persistent. At present, the reports about tinea incognito were mainly some case reports at home and abroad. Here we will show several real cases and diagnosis and treatment process of tinea incognito and make an overall review including inducing factors, clinical features, the distribution of the pathogenic dermatophyte species, and diagnosis about tinea incognito.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- Increasing dermatologists' awareness of this disease.
- Avoiding misdiagnosis and mistreatment of this disease.
- Providing a practical solution to a problem.