HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Paris, France or Virtually from your home or work.
Mohammed Abdul Qader Almalmi, Speaker at Dermatology Conferences
Be You clinics United Arab Emirates dubai, United Arab Emirates
Title : Cutaneous leishmaniasis in republic of yemen


Background: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is parasitic disease transmitted by the bite of an infected female phlebotomine sandfly. Sandflies are noiseless fliers that rest in moist, dark places and are typically most active in evening and nighttime hours. Other modes of transmission are congenital and parenteral (blood transfusion, needle sharing, and laboratory accident).
Objective: The objective of the study was to identify the pattern of acute and chronic skin Disease.
Patients and Methods: 30 Yemeni males and females patients 2- 40 years old .The presentation of cutaneous disease varies depending on the stage of disease, although it mainly occurs in 2 forms, (1) an oriental sore caused by L tropica and (2) American cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by L brasiliensiss Lesions are usually found in exposed areas (eg, face, arms, legs). The skin lesion begins as a nontender, firm, red papule several centimeters in size at the site of the sandfly bite. In time, the lesion becomes darker, widens with central ulceration serous crusting, and granuloma formation. The border often has a raised erythematous rim known as the volcano sign. Investigations Skin slit and scraping stained with Geimsa stain showed leishmania amestigotes Donovani bodies .Skin biopsy and histopathological findings showed infilamatory granuloma with intracellular leishmanial bodies. All the thirty pateints treated with antimonial drugs injection
Results: The clinical data and the investigations showed that all the patients had cutaneous leishmaniasis.
Conclusion: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is very common skin disease in republic of Yemen. It is endemic in some areas or regions .The local names of cutaneous leishmaniasis in yemen are Othrah, shoknofah, Ebadah and oufeiah . No mucoucutaneous leishmaniasis or post kala azar syndrome.
