Title : A novel CDIS approach for optimising acne scar management
Acne scarring is a prevalent condition with significant physical and psychological consequences, affecting patients' confidence and quality of life. While current treatment paradigms, such as Jacob’s Classification (icepick, boxcar and rolling scars), provide a morphology-based approach to scar revision, they often overlook broader aesthetic and structural concerns critical to achieving optimal outcomes.
The CDIS approach is proposed as a novel and comprehensive framework for acne scar revision, addressing Contour, Dents (or Divots), Icepick scars and Skin quality as an innovative and holistic methodology.
Through illustrative case studies, the CDIS approach integrates scar-specific treatments with strategies to restore facial contours and enhance skin quality, offering a holistic solution for acne scar revision. Contour correction restores facial harmony using soft tissue injectables like hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite, while dents/divots are treated with subcision, energy-based devices and injectables to release tethered scars and stimulate collagen remodeling. Icepick scars are managed with CROSS using TCA or phenol peels, surgical excision and laser resurfacing. Skin quality enhancement involves interventions targeting dyschromia, vascular normalization, hydration and sebum regulation, utilising topicals, energy-based devices and injectables.
By combining scar-specific therapies with enhancements to skin quality and facial structure, the CDIS approach provides a practical, patient-centred tool for clinicians and ensures superior outcomes for acne scar patients.