Bio-based oleochemicals are chemical compounds derived from the fats, oils and waxes of plants and animals. They are becoming increasingly popular in the dermatological market as an alternative to the more traditional synthetic ingredients used in skin care products. Initially, bio-based oleochemicals were used mainly in personal care products such as soaps, detergents and surfactants, but as technology and research have progressed, they are now finding their way into a variety of other products. One of their primary uses is in the field of dermatology, and today they are becoming an important component of the skin care market. Bio-based oleochemicals are being used increasingly often to chemically modify the texture and consistency of skin care products, as well as to add additional moisture and nourishment. Due to their natural and organic origins, they pose less of a risk of irritation and provide a number of beneficial properties to the skin, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. These compounds can also provide protection from environmental factors such as exposure to UV rays and pollution, as well as helping to maintain the skin’s natural barrier function. Bio-based oleochemicals also have the potential to replace more harmful components such as silicones and synthetic fragrances. The primary advantages of using bio-based oleochemicals in skin care products are their natural origins, their ability to provide beneficial skin-care properties, and the fact that they are generally non-toxic and non-irritant. As more research is conducted on the potential applications of these compounds, it is likely that they will become an even more popular choice in dermatological products.
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Sergei A Grando, University of California Irvine, United States
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Dechelette Corinne, La Peau Autrement, France
Title : The new physiopathology of cellulite
Gustavo Hector Leibaschoff, World Society of Cosmetic Gynecology, United States
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Nalini Kaul, Princeton Consumer Research, Canada
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Karolina Chilicka Hebel, University of Opole, Poland
Title : Bioregeneration in aesthetic and functional gynecology
Gustavo Hector Leibaschoff, World Society of Cosmetic Gynecology, United States
Title : Integrating personalized and precision medicine into dermatology clinical practice securing ITS potential to get skin diseases cured and to revolutionize dermatology
Sergey Suchkov, The Russian University for Medicine & The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Federation
Title : Perspectives on healthy skin aging and pre-aging concepts
Georgios Stamatas, SGS France, France
Title : The management of FPHL- How it different from male AGA
Rachita Dhurat, LTMMC & LTMG Hospital, India
Title : Tackling stubborn wound by advanced polysaccharides-based biopolymer delivery system
Madhu Gupta, Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, India