Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that increases the size, shape and fullness of a woman's breasts through the use of implants. The implants may be silicone or saline, and are placed in a pocket either behind the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle. Augmentation is often performed to correct asymmetries, correct lost volume after pregnancy or weight loss, restore balance to body proportions, or enhance a woman's self-image. In preparation for the procedure, the patient will meet with her surgeon to discuss the desired size and shape, surgical risks and alternatives, and to establish a timeline for healing. An implant choice can also be made at this time. During the procedure, the implants are inserted through small grade incisions in the breast or under the arm. The patient may be under general anesthesia during the procedure, which typically takes several hours. After surgery, the patient typically experiences swelling, bruising, and some discomfort. It is usually recommended that the patient wear a surgical support bra for four to six weeks following surgery. Draining tubes may also remain in place for a few days. The breasts may take several weeks or months to settle into their final shape and position. The success of the procedure largely depends on the patient’s individual anatomy and the surgeon’s experience. Outcomes can be long-lasting, although future pregnancies, weight fluctuations, and the aging process can all affect the results. Risks of surgery, including infection and implant deflation, do exist. Overall, a breast augmentation can be a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of the breasts, increase self-confidence, and restore body proportions.
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