Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the breasts. It can help improve self-image and overall psychological well-being for women who have disproportionately large breasts. By removing the excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts, patients can achieve a more aesthetically pleasing contour and balance. The procedure is commonly performed to relieve the physical and psychological discomfort caused by exceptionally large breasts, or to alleviate the physical limitations they can cause that can keep one from participating in physical activities and wearing certain clothing. Having well-balanced, proportionate breasts can improve one’s posture and help reduce back, neck and shoulder pain. It can also decrease rashes, skin infections and reduce self-consciousness. The procedure can vary depending on the patient’s needs and desired results. During the surgery, fat, breast and skin tissue are removed. The nipples are normally left intact, but may be moved to a higher position to achieve better symmetry. The remaining breast tissue is reshaped, and incisions are closed with sutures. The surgical procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Depending on the extent of the reduction, recovery time may vary, but typically it takes several days to a week before normal activities can be resumed. The patient should follow all post-operative instructions, such as wearing a surgical support bra, avoiding strenuous activities and not lifting anything heavy. In conclusion, breast reduction is a surgical procedure that can improve the proportions of the body, reduce discomfort and, most importantly, enhance self-confidence. To ensure that the procedure goes smoothly and to guarantee the desired outcome, it is recommended to discuss all options with a qualified plastic surgeon.
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