Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally-invasive hair transplantation technique used to replace areas of the scalp affected by hair loss (alopecia). In this procedure, individual follicular unit grafts are harvested from a donor site—generally located at the back of the head or along the sides of the scalp—and transplanted into balding areas on the head or face. The harvesting process involves the precise use of a small, motorized punch tool, typically measuring between 0.6 and 1.0 millimeters in diameter. The punch tool is used to isolate a good-quality hair follicle before removing a thin slice of skin around the follicle. After the individual units have been removed, they’re then transplanted to the recipient site. The process of Follicular Unit Extraction can, when performed correctly, provide patients with permanent results without the need for stitches or scars. The procedure yields natural-looking results with a minimum amount of discomfort and downtime. It’s also suitable for all skin types. In addition, FUE requires no external incisions so it can be used to cover large donor sites in one go. Since FUE doesn’t require an incision or sutures, you experience less discomfort than with traditional hair transplants. Additionally, with FUE, close to 100 percent of the donor hair can be used for transplantation; however, with standard techniques (such as Strip Method) up to 60 percent of the donor hairs are typically left behind. The results of FUE are virtually undetectable. In many cases, the transplantation can be completed in a single day, without need for follow-up. Follicular unit extraction is a very safe and effective procedure, and—when done by an experienced and board-certified dermatologist—it can provide great results for men and women suffering from hair loss.
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