Hair transplantation is a procedure used to address hair loss, particularly male-pattern baldness. During the procedure, a surgeon removes hair follicles from a healthy part of the scalp and transplants them to the affected area. Hair transplantation has been used since the 1950s. However, the techniques have undergone considerable improvements since then. Today, the procedure is a relatively simple medical one that leads to successful results, provided the patient is a suitable candidate for the procedure. In recent years, advances in follicular-unit extraction (FUE) have made the procedure increasingly preferable for those seeking a hair transplant. During FUE, the surgeon extracts individual follicular units from the donor area, rather than a strip of skin. This results in minimal scarring, a shorter healing period, and a natural-looking result. Despite its success rate, hair transplantation is not without its risks. Scarring, infection, and unnatural-looking results may occur in some cases. To reduce the risk of complication, only a board-certified dermatologist with extensive experience in hair restoration should be consulted. Individuals considering hair transplantation should take into account that it is not a miracle cure for baldness. While it can restore lost hair, it does not prevent future hair loss. Thus, the patient should use hair loss medications or use it in combination with other treatments available for baldness. No matter the procedure used, hair transplantation is successful when the patient works with a qualified dermatologist or hair restoration specialist to ensure the best results.
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