Toenails are flat pieces of hard material that protect the tips of the toes and the surrounding nail beds. Proper toenail care is an important part of overall foot health. Poor toenail hygiene can lead to a range of medical issues, including infection, discoloration, and toenail fungus. It is important to keep toenails trimmed and clean. To do this, it is recommended to clip the nails straight across, keeping them short and avoiding sharp edges. To avoid infections, use only a clean pair of clippers and wash hands before and afterward. Taking a bath or shower and drying off feet completely before trimming toenails will help to prevent the spread of bacteria and fungus. Fungal infections of the toenails are common and can be easily spread from person to person. It is important to wear shoes that fit properly and are cleaned regularly to reduce the risk of infection. If an infection occurs, it can be treated with medication that can be prescribed by a dermatologist. Discoloration of toenails can occur due to bruising from injury or from a fungal infection. With bruising, the discoloration will typically clear on its own over time. If it does not, it is important to consult a dermatologist to rule out a serious medical condition. If you have any concerns or questions about toenail care, it is important to talk to a dermatologist. They can provide guidance on proper care techniques and help to diagnose any issues that may be present. Proper care of the toenails is an important part of overall foot health and should not be neglected.
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